Let's talk about Networking!

As a Career Coach, I am often asked what the most powerful tool to find "the dream job" is, and my answer has remained the same for the past 15 years and I doubt it will ever change: NETWORKING.

Not only networking can increase your chances of finding a job by expanding your professional contacts, providing access to job opportunities that may not be advertised, and giving you insights into the industry and company culture, but additionally, networking can help you improve your communication and interpersonal skills, which are valuable in any job. Building relationships with people in your field can also lead to mentorship opportunities and referrals for future job openings.

So let me share with you the top 6 reasons why Networking is your best tool to not only find a job but perhaps the career that you will fall in love with. 

  • Access to Hidden Job Opportunities:

Networking can provide access to job opportunities that are not publicly advertised.

The truth is that many job opportunities are not advertised publicly (for several reasons from cost, lack of resources to deal with the # of applicants to simply management that would rather hear from professionals that are vetted by current collaborators, etc), and networking can give you access to these unadvertised opportunities. You may hear about job openings from your connections that you would not have known about otherwise.

So when you interact with other professionals, they can share job openings, recommend you for possible job opportunities, or suggest individuals to contact for further job search help.

  • Increases visibility:

Networking can help find a new job by increasing your visibility to potential employers. By attending events, meeting new people, and building relationships, you can expand your professional network and increase the chances of being referred to job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised. Additionally, networking can provide you with valuable insights into different companies, industries and job roles, which can help you make more informed decisions about your career path.

Basically, networking allows you to connect with people who may not have been aware of your skills and experience. By expanding your professional network, you increase your visibility and chances of being referred for job opportunities.

  • Opportunity to Learn About Industry Trends and Insights:

Networking provides the opportunity to meet individuals who are already working in the industry you desire. These people have more experience and can provide valuable insights and trend predictions about the industry. By keeping up with industry trends through networking, you become more knowledgeable and marketable to potential employers.

It basically gives you insights into the industry you're interested in. By connecting with professionals in your desired field, you can learn about industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Build Relationships and Gain Valuable Referrals:

Not only Networking allows you to build relationships with people who may be able to help you throughout your career, as these relationships can provide you with mentorship, advice, and referrals, but when you network with other professionals, you create a network of individuals who can refer you to potential employers. Referrals are an excellent way to secure a job because employers are more likely to trust recommendations from someone they know and respect.

  • Partner with Like-Minded Professionals:

Networking offers the opportunity to meet other professionals in your industry who may have the same skills, interests, and career goals. By collaborating with other like-minded professionals, you can pool your talents and skills to establish stronger job applications.

  • Improve Your Skill Set and Boost Your Confidence:

Networking has the potential to help you improve your skills in various ways. Attend professional events, take part in workshops and seminars that are centered on building career ability, learn new techniques and procedures, and get excellent career advice that can change your direction. But I would say, the most transformational one, is how it can help you improve your communication skills, which are essential for job interviews and the workplace. You'll have the opportunity to practice your elevator pitch and learn how to present yourself professionally.

It's an excellent confidence booster as networking helps you develop your communication and interpersonal skills. As you meet new individuals, communicate with others, and learn from them, you will become more confident speaking with individuals who can potentially help you find a job.

Networking provides many benefits to individuals looking to land a job. By engaging with other professionals in the industry, you gain valuable connections, effortlessly access hidden job opportunities, and improve your industry expertise to make yourself a better candidate for a job. So what's not to love about Networking?

Love & Light



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